Tuesday, June 19, 2012


So for the past couple of days I've been quite busy.
6.16.12       On Saturday it was my first day of school! It was only a half day, so we only went to 3 classes.Going to school I walk for about 10min to the train station and meet up with another YFU student, Jade, and her host sister, Wakana, and take 2 trains, then walk for about 20min. When we arrived at school Jade and I had to introduce ourselves to the teachers and staff, so I got to use some of my Japanese skills :D . After that, we went to our homeroom classes. In my homeroom there are some students called "returnees," they used to live in America for a couple of years and now live back in Japan. Each day so far I follow around one of the "returnees" and go to their classes for the day. That day I went to Math, Japanese, and World History. In the classes I dont really do anything, since I dont know what they are saying. In some classes like Math and Chemistry I recognize some stuff that they are working on, which i think is super exciting! :) After school was over that day Wakana, Jade, and I went to this Rock Climbing competition. There were so many people there! At times it would get really intense and exciting, it was a lot of fun! After that we went to this mall close by where I saw a Starbucks! Me and Jade were freaking out so we went in and I had my first Japanese Starbucks :) After that we walked around and looked through some stores then went home.
    Park we walked through                                      High school where the Rock Climbing Comp. was held
Rock wall competition
                                                         Japanese Starbucks!!
                                                                                                Japanese Claire's!

6.17.12       Sunday My host family and I drove to Kamogawa Sea World! The drive was about 2 hours long. At sea world we saw many shows like the Dolphin, Killer Whale, Belugas, and the Sea Lions. We walked around for a little bit and got some lunch. I tried octopus which was actually very good! We walked through some aquariums and looked at all the animals, then we left and went to this tower about 30min away from Sea World. In the tower it would go underground so you could see in the water and look at all of the fish. It was very interesting! After a long day of so much fun we drove back home and picked up my host sister Aya and went out for Chinese food! It was a very fun day!


6.18.12       Monday I had school from 8:40 to 4:00. We went to homeroom first, then math, music, geography, lunch, English, and Old Japanese. In English I am in the "returnee" class. So they speak only English in that class. After school Jade and I participated in Wakana's Mountain Climbing club. That day we ran 9km (5 miles). It was HARD! I think me and Jade overall ran about 5km (3mi) and then walked the rest. After the club Wakana, Jade and I rode the train back home. I got home about 7:15, so it was a very long day and i was very tired.
                    In class                                                                         Some boys in my class playing around

Cake my host dad bought for dessert :)

6.19.12     Today I had school again. I went to Biology, Algebra, Swimming, lunch, English, and Chemistry. I was very tired today and slept in some classes. I found out today that a typhoon is headed toward us, but everyone doesn't seem to be worried about it, which is ok. I think that I'm staring to get the hang of riding the train here. The trains are VERY crowded! Everyone sort of packs their selves in the train until you can't fit anyone else in there.          
 My homeroom class
View from my class

One thing here that people are amazed by are my legs and how tall I am. While we were stretching I saw some people staring at my legs and then I heard the word "long".  Sometimes when I'm walking through the hall I see some people just staring directly at me. People at my school treat you like your a celebrity. The kind of stare at you in awe, like your the president. It's a lot of fun. 
Oh and Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother! I love you <3

That's everything for now. Until next time,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finally here!!

Hey! sorry I haven't posted in awhile!
Well on June 10 I arrived in San Francisco for orientation for 3 days. Where I met some great people!
There we went through classes and learned about Japanese life and culture. Everyone was split into Kumi's, which were groups that everyone stayed in. I got to meet so many people from across the US and even Canada! It was a lot of fun. :)
Yesterday we had a 10am flight to LAX then to Japan. The flight was very long! (almost 12 hours) but i sat next to some great people :)

Now I am in Japan. I met my host parents at the airport where we took home 1 other girl from YFU to her home in Japan. When my host parents and I arrived at their home they showed me where everything is and we sat in the living room and talked with each other. They don't speak much English, but they will just make my Japanese better :) In Japan they drive on the opposite side of the road and car, i love it! haha :) the roads here are very compact, which would seem scary to drive. I think today my host Dad will take me shopping in Tokyo! I am very excited!!

My Dorm Room in San Francisco 


Lanuage Class :)


My friend Anna

Japanese meal

Japanese tea that was really yummy :)

My Kumi

My karaoke buddy! 

All of the Texans! :)

Plane ride!

My host Parents :)

Their car

My new home!

My new room :)

Until next time,

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I cant believe I am leaving for California tomorrow. My adventure is about to begin!!! I am so excited, yet nervous!
Well here are some pictures from this morning :)
This is so cute, I couldn't resist :)

Last breakfast with Dad (well for 6 weeks)

Me and Jess at breakfast! :)

Our food!! (yummmm)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I GOT MY HOST FAMILYYY!!!!! :DDDDD This is all so real now. :) I am so excited to meet my new family in 8 days <3 :D
This is super short, but I thought I should share this :D

Monday, June 4, 2012

Starting my new Adventure :)

Hi, I'm Mackenzie Bush and will be a junior in high school. I will be spending the summer in Japan
I am starting this new blog so all my friends and family are able to keep up my experiences there. I leave for San Francisco in 6 days where I will be staying for 3 days to have Orientations and meet all the other Students that are also traveling to Japan :) I am so grateful for this opportunity to leave the country and experience a whole new life for 6 1/2 weeks :) While I'm there I hope to continue with this bog so everyone will see what I am up to there :)
Well Sayōnara (bye) :D