Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello :)
I can't believe I've been here almost 4 weeks! It's crazy how time flies by.
Happy 4th of July! Me and Jade tried to celebrate during school. But no one knew what it was so we had to explain. I didn't really do anything except go to school. But I hope everyone in America had an amazing 4th!!! :D
On Friday I went to DisneySea!!!! :D I went with My host mom, Jade, and her host mom. It was so much fun! We left in the morning about 7am and got there around 8:15am. The park opened at 9am so we had to wait. Surprisingly there were already a lot of people there! While we were waiting we planed where we would go on the map. When the park opened we decided to go straight to Tower of terror before it got too packed. It was about a 10 min wait which wasn't too bad. Finally we went on the ride. I screamed a lot. Jade and our host mom's thought it was hilarious how much I screamed...hahah. The ride was amazingg!!! :) After Tower of Terror we walked around and went an rode Aquatopia, which was kinda bumper boats, but not really. Then we went and got fast past tickets for Raging Coaster and went to ride the Indiana Jones ride! That was also very fun! After Indiana Jones we went to the Raging Coaster. It wasn't that great. After the coaster we got fast pass tickets for Journey to the Center of the Earth, then got some lunch. After lunch we rode this other ride called 20,000 lesions Under the Sea. It was pretty cool. After that ride we went to ride Journey to the Center of the Earth. That ride was so cool and fun! :) After that we rode Storm Chaser, that was a 4D ride. We tracked down tornado's and got in the middle. It was awesome! After that out host moms said that we can go off by ourselves. So we went and got fast past tickets for Journey to the Center of the Earth again and rode Indiana Jones another 2 times. After that we met up with our host mom's and walked around and rode some other rides. At the end of the night we left around 8:30pm and got home around 9pm. I took a shower then crashed. I was so tired, but I would say it was a pretty amazing day! :)
On Saturday I went to school for a half day. After school Me and Jade had to ride the train into Tokyo by ourselves. We were freaking out hoping that we wouldn't get lost. We eventually found our way through the trains! When we got to Tokyo Station (that was the hard part) we had to find Jade's host parents. Tokyo station is HUGE so we were walking around for about 15 min before we found them. After that, we rode another train then met up with my host mom and Ai. After we found them we walked to the Tokyo Theatre to watch the Kabuki play. On the way to the play we walked by the Emperor's house. You couldn't see the house at all; it was covered by this HUGE gate and a lot of trees. There was also a reallly big mote, which was pretty cool. The Kabuki play is an old Japanese play. I got an English converter thing so I could understand. It was actually pretty good. The actors have some serious dedication to do all the stuff they did. In the play it's all guys so even some guys dress up at girls to play that part. After the Kabuki, Ai and my host mom took me to this new tower in Tokyo called Skytree. It was really cloudy this day so you couldnt see the top, but it was still very cool!In the tower there was a small shopping area, where we went through and looked through gift shops and other stores. It was really amazing to see all of that.
Today we didn't do much. When we woke up this morning everyone got ready and we went to visit my host dads parents and little brothers grave site. The graveyard areas in Japan are so much different then in America. Every grave has its own little area. and you can't tell where they buried the body. Also, it's not on the grass. The grave yard area is at this Temple and it's also by a kindergarten school that my host dad went to for 5 years. The temple was really beautiful. After that we went home and relaxed. At dinner time Aya and I cut up cabbage for dinner and helped set the table area. Then my host dad made the rest. I think this was our first dinner at home with everyone there. After dinner we all helped clean up then Aya and I played the Wii. She beat me at Tennis and I beat her at bowling. hahah. After wii we ate melon and talked for awhile, then she had to go to the gym. Even though we didnt do much today, it was very fun :)

Mickey mouse ears! :)


Tower of Terror




Japanese tradition: write down a wish and hang it up

My wish :)




Aya and me cooking

Our dinner :)

This next week I am off from school. Everyone at my school is taking their final exams, so Jade and I dont have to go. Instead we will go to my host dads school and help out there. :) I'm very excited!!
Well that's all for now!

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